Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Taking a Color Chance

Effie Trinket and her blue homage
Hey Guys! Today is Wednesday, which means two things. I get out of school early (YAY!), and it is only 2 DAYS before the release of The Hunger Games. For all of you who don’t know, The Hunger Games is about 2 teens from district 12, Katniss and Peeta, who must fight for their lives in an arena with 22 other kids. Besides the obvious bloodshed in the book, I also excited for something else, the fashion of people in the in famous Capital. In the Capital, they do everything to the extreme, including changing skin color (Blue, pink, etc.), Wearing extremely avant-garde clothes and wearing huge wigs. I wouldn’t be caught dead with pink skin, or 10 inch heels, so I put my own spin of Capitol fashion.

In the Capitol they ARE NOT afraid of color, so this is the element that I brought into my outfit. Lots and Lots of color! Recently, I had some let over paint form an art project, so I let my imagination (boredom) take over and this is where it led me! These bright leggings sure do get attention! I paired it with my zippered dress and an equally bright lavender ruched shoulder shirt. And Last but not least my grey rain boots, that have seen many puddles today.

 Honestly, at first I was seriously scared of all of these colors. There was so many that I didn't know  if it could possibly work,and i definitely didn't want to be called tacky. But then I realized that nothing in fashion simply "works" by itself,and if I couldn't pull off these leggings, no one could. So, I took the risk and got a fun, and very bright outfit.

What should my next color risk be? Fell free to comment below.

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